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May 18, 2011

My Mom's Coffee Is The Best

My Mom deserves this blog all on her own. Not only for all the great things I have learned from her, but for all the wonderful things she has taught me along the way. These are special things that will always stay in my heart.

I just pray that threw the years I have taught my kids & they have just learned from watching me all the great tradition that have been passed down.

What I miss is not having my brother or sister here to share it with them.
But I pray I have passed down some of it to their kids.

To own what your family is and be proud no matter what the situation is & to be happy for all the little things in life.
Which are just some of the things we need to hear in our life.

I miss our family, we started out so big. And now there is just a handful of us left.

We have all made our different paths in life, and I am happy with mine. I have had a roller coaster of a ride but I would not change it for one minute. In the end it has put me in the path of some wonderful people and a beautiful family that have their own opinions and take full advantage of their lives.

We may not always be able to get what we want when we want it, but in the end we get what we need.

And that's just perfect for me !

Thank you MOM !!



Diana DeLaFuente said...

You made me you

Cori Kesler said...

Someday I hope my girl will write such a blog post about me. Lovely.

ohcurt said...

This was really sweet!

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